The Patience of Assembly A highly experienced team of engineers….. One of the attributes that set OTM apart from the competition is our knowledge and expertise in gears and gearing systems. We’re comfortable in the knowledge that our skilled designers can create the solution to solve your problem. But, equally, nowhere is our superiority more evident than in our Assembly area. Our highly skilled team patiently fit and build electro-mechanical units with absolute precision, testing thoroughly at each stage of the build process. At OTM it takes at least two years for a......
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Expert In-house Design Team A highly experienced team of design engineers….. One of the many features that sets OTM aside from our competitors is the significant expertise and vast experience contained within our design team. It’s the challenge of solving the toughest actuation problems that motivates them to push their knowledge and skills to the limit and to continue to upgrade and develop products to meet customers’ needs well into the future. Working in an environment that enables them to function as a close-knit team and put their collective knowledge into solving the......
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